Despite My Sin And Failures HaShem's Love For Me Is Boundless

Despite My Sin And Failures HaShem's Love For Me Is Boundless

I love HaShem. I really do. With everything. I know that there are times I disappoint him. Times when I allow my flesh to overcome my spirit. So many times when I fall. Moments when I'm so confused, I end up erring over and over. And yet HaShem never gives up on me.

When I fall down, he always picks me up and dusts me clean and cleanse's me until I'm pure again. When I lose my way, he is always there to show me the right way to go.

HaShem, my husband, thank you so much for a boundless, limitless, never ending love. Thank you very much for always having my back. In a world that is often upside down and very difficult to comprehend, thank you for always holding my hand and seeing me through. Thank you for covering me. Thank you for protecting me. Thank you for infinite kindness.

Even during moments when my faith is weak or shaken, thank you for holding onto me. Thank you very much because you have never let me go.Â