Hymn Of Glory - A Book Of Jewish Thoughts

Hymn Of Glory - A Book Of Jewish Thoughts

Hymn Of Glory 

SWEET hymns and songs will I indite

To sing of Thee by day and night—

Of Thee, who art my soul’s delight.

How doth my soul within me yearn

Beneath Thy shadow to return,

Thy secret mysteries to learn!

And even while yet Thy glory fires

My words, and hymns of praise inspires,

Thy love it is my heart desires.

Thy glory shall my discourse be;

In images I picture Thee,

Although Thyself I cannot see.

O Thou whose word is truth alway,

Thy people seek Thy face this day;

O be Thou near them when they pray.

O may my words of blessing rise

To Thee, who, throned above the skies,

Art just and mighty, great and wise.

My meditation day and night,

May it be pleasant in Thy sight,

For Thou art all my soul’s delight.

JUDAH THE PIOUS, 12th cent.

(Trans. Alice Lucas.)

Excerpt From A Book Of Jewish Thoughts Selected And Arranged By The Chief Rabbi - Dr J.H.Hertz 

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