Servant Of God - A Book Of Jewish Thoughts

Servant Of God - A Book Of Jewish Thoughts

Servant Of God

SPIRIT and flesh are Thine,

O Heavenly Shepherd mine;

My hopes, my thoughts, my fears, Thou seest all,

Thou measurest my path, my steps dost know.

When Thou upholdest, who can make me fall?

When Thou restrainest, who can bid me go?

O would that I might be

A servant unto Thee,

Thou God, by all adored!

Then, though by friends out-cast,

Thy hand would hold me fast,

And draw me near to Thee, my King and Lord!

Fain would my heart come nigh

To Thee, O God, on high,

But evil thoughts have led me far astray

From the pure path of righteous government.

Guide Thou me back into Thy holy way,

And count me not as one impenitent.

O would that I might be

A servant unto Thee,

Thou God, by all adored!

Then, though by friends out-cast,

Thy hand would hold me fast,

And draw me near to Thee, my King and Lord!

Contrite and full of dread,

I mourn each moment fled,

’Midst idle follies roaming desolate:

I sink beneath transgressions manifold,

That from Thy presence keep me separate,

Nor can sin-darkened eyes Thy light behold.

O would that I might be

A servant unto Thee,

Thou God, by all adored!

Then, though by friends out-cast,

Thy hand would hold me fast,

And draw me near to Thee, my King and Lord!

So lead me that I may

Thy sovereign will obey.

Make pure my heart to seek Thy truth divine;

When burns my wound, be Thou with healing near!

Answer me, Lord! for sore distress is mine,

And say unto Thy servant, I am here.

O would that I might be

A servant unto Thee,

Thou God, by all adored!

Then, though by friends out-cast,

Thy hand would hold me fast,

And draw me near to Thee, my King and Lord!


(Trans. Alice Lucas.)

Excerpt From A Book Of Jewish Thoughts Selected And Arranged By The Chief Rabbi - Dr J.H.Hertz